Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Plagiarism is the Sincerest Form of Flattery!

Nyasa Times, an online news channel in Malawi, used my demonstration photos for a lot of their stories without my permission. 

Check it out!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Instructor Boycott/Student Demonstrations at Chancellor College - College Shut Down

Students are demonstrating and instructors have boycotted Chancellor College here in Zomba. Inspector General from Lilongwe about 6 hours north, showed up on campus here in Zomba to try to silence a Poly Sci. professor who was lecturing about the Egyptian riots.  The college management did not stand in support of the professor, so all of the faculty boycotted Chancellor College on Wednesday.  The college has been shut down since then.  Faculty believes that there are "police spies" infiltrating their classes who inform the police of teaching that is "unfriendly" to the government. 

Students are fed up that their government stipends for housing and tuition, due in January, are late and may not be forthcoming.

Everything in chaos here - Friday, February 18, 2011.  Nothing dangerous.

You can double-click the photos to enlarge the detail.